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The ultimate vocabulary game from English Tap


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Work With Us

We are the game makers. Looking for online stores to supply.

Make some spare cash by sharing our app download or selling our cards for us, we will keep you well stocked and make sure that you make the profits. Refere the game and receive 50% of any purchase as credit.

Hi There. This is our new wordties site

We are looking for online stores to sell our card games. If you have an online store and you think that our games could make a welcome addition to your catalogue, just tell us about it.

Work With Us

iBiscuits web sites. Cheapest , quickest and simplest We can provide a portal site, with email contact at a price that you simply won't believe. We will give you everything for the cost of a cheap monthly hosting subscription.

We are the game makers. Looking for online stores to supply.

While you are selling our games at your store, we guarantee to keep you well supplied. If you hold the stock yourself, we will take back any unsold stock. We can handle all the postage if you want to deal solely with online marketing and taking of credit card payments at your store.

Wordties Portfolio

Open up to a new way of learning vocabulary whoever you are! Collocations is the way to go. This way! Download the app now and make a little of cash or gain free packs by referring the game to friends.


Wordties is a new vocabulary game . based on knowledge of collocations.

Bid to Guess the Word

During play, you have a chance to name the word. You may have to outbid the other players, so be careful not to lose too many tokens.


Idioms and expressions Pack. A good knowledge of idioms and idiomatic expressions will help you find the words in this set.

About WordTies

You won't believe how quickly you ' expand you vocabulary. Blast off with WordTies!

  • ABOUT IMAGE /applications/wordties//images/jousting.jpg

    About us - I

    About us - I

    An interest in developing materials for English learning led us into vocabulary collocations and later into wordties.We noticed that native speakers of any languagealways enjoy games based on vocabulary and speaking.For example, the long running BBC programme called "Just a minute"
    This vocabulary activity went down a storm in EFL classrooms.Orders were high. Soon people started playing this game for fun and various theme packs were successfully introduced.

  • ABOUT IMAGE /applications/wordties//images/patch-the-dog.jpg

    About us - II

    About us - II

    This dog might be called "patch", but the word "patch" could be used in different ways

  • ABOUT IMAGE /applications/wordties//images/sponge-fish.jpg

    About us - III

    About us - III

    A sponge could be used in the bathroom or for cleaning a car, but it could also be a type of fish

  • ABOUT IMAGE /applications/wordties//images/elbow-patch.jpg

    About us - IV

    About us - IV

    This is another type of patch. You might see these visual clues to the word in the artwork on each card. If your knowledge of English vocabulary is strong enough, you can take a risk at guessing the one-word answer. Be careful. There are penanlties for incorrectly guessing the words. Check out the rules of the game

  • Be Part of WordTies

Meet the WordTies Team

Can you guess who the real boss is at Wordties? Probably not, because we are a team! And the best way to become a successful team is if everyone does exactly what I say.

Leon Wooldridge

Marketing and Web manager

Judit Wooldridge

Graphic designer and card designer

Mark Wooldridge

Artist and Game play tester

Daniel Wooldridge

Artist and App Developer

We are all waiting to hear from you. Contact us today for your free app download token

Contact us at WordTies

Worties - The Arty word game that you can sell from your online store.